Cyber, Privacy and E-commerce Law
In the digital era, people are very helpful with the evolution of technology. It caused the trading practices to change from the conventional way to internet-based trading called e-commerce. But also, on the other side, the protection of personal data has become things that need to be protected. In other words, a good or bad impact might happen due to the evolution of technology. Bad or good impacts might happen depending on how far you obey the governing law. We do not want a bad impact or legal problem to happen to you or your company, so we would protect your legal rights and make sure you obey the law.
Our Services Include:
- Legal opinion related to cyber and e-commerce law matters;
- Legal Due Diligence related to cyber and e-commerce law matters;
- Internet Business formation and advice;
- E-Contract making, review, and counseling;
- Breach of contract counseling;
- Buy and sell agreements;
- Cyber and e-commerce disputes;
- Giving legal assistance both in and out of the court if disputes related to cyber and e-commerce happened.
Helping You Solve Your Legal Problem
The Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Lawyers will aggressively help you and solve your legal problems. We use our superior skills, knowledge, and experience in the field for the benefit of all our clients. If you are facing legal problems related to cyber and e-commerce in your business activities (either before and/or have been facing it), contact The Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Lawyers today and see how an experienced The Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Lawyers can help you. Please call us today at 021 2206 4438/0811 8862 544 (WhatsApp), or come to our office at